Thursday, November 12, 2009

Distance Education

Distance Learning Pros and Cons


1) A major advantage of distance learning is the ability to learn at one’s own pace. To many who have other responsibilities, this will be preferred. There may be situations such as pregnancy that inhibit student participation. These students may now choose when to dedicate their time and still fulfill their other obligations.

2) Taking online classes may allow for flexibility in class scheduling. In traditional schools, classes may be offered at particular times. These may conflict and limit the input a student has on his/her educational future.

3) Some students in rural communities may live at great distances from their schools. The time wasted on a bus or car may then be used in an educational environment. It would also be socially hard on these children who have to sacrifice much time traveling.

4) Due to less overhead costs and accessibility of teachers, there may be a greater diversity of courses offered. Students may then take courses that meet their abilities and educational levels. Gifted students and those that struggle are both at risk of dropping out due to their needs not being met.

5) Traditional classes are constrained by their physical environment. Online classes can explore a range of environments. Images and information can be brought in from multiple sources and adjusted in accordance to what is being taught. A class text book does not offer this.


1) Although having the flexibility to study and work on your own schedule is an advantage, the student must be responsible enough to put in the required time and effort. To many this will be difficult, especially if it is the first time taking an online class. They may be accustomed to having teachers play a major role in keeping them on track. In many online courses, the responsibility to acquire information will be on the student. They may be accustomed to having a teacher deliver the information. Finding what part of the information is important may also be daunting to those students who are accustomed to having it pointed out to them.

2) Although many in today’s society have access to the latest technology, there are still those that do not. These students will not be given the same opportunities that those students with a higher socioeconomic background. Even with access to these technologies, many students will have to devote much time and effort into learning their use.

3) Technical issues can be a problem. There may be a breakdown on either side of the educational arrangement. The students may have issues, or the educator may. Such circumstances must be accounted for without allowing excuses.

4) On line courses lack in social interaction. To some who have other responsibilities this may be preferred, others may feel disconnected. The comfort of having a live person to communicate with cannot be underestimated.

5) There may be issues of accountability. It may be difficult to determine absolutely if a particular student authored an assignment.

Student Readiness: In order to determine whether students are ready for distance learning, a teacher must consider the character of the student, accessibility to required technologies, the type of assessment, and some type of oversight, such as a parent. Students that will excel in this type of education are able to work independently and able to take a proactive initiative in their own education. The student must have access to a computer or be able to travel to one that has public access such as a library. The work must be able to be completed in a virtual environment. There may be situations such as lab work when the student will have to come to the school in person to compete an assignment. Presentations may be done online if the student has access to a video recorder or conferencing software. Lastly in a high school environment, it would be preferable if there was a parent that is willing to take the time to become engaged in their child’s education. This parent would be informed of due dates and expectations of their child.

Teacher: In order to be an effective online teacher, knowledge of how to use a range of computer systems is necessary. This is not only to be able to communicate with students, but to use a range of educational software and strategies in order to engage the student. Examples are WebQuest assignments, virtual labs, and Skype.